“Audinate, developer of the industry-leading Dante™ media networking technology, is giving visitors to ISE 2017 the first opportunity to see the revolutionary new Dante Domain Manager platform, a complete network management solution bringing enterprise-grade system administration to the AV world. Dante Domain Manager makes audio networking more secure, more scalable and more manageable than ever before.”
Audio Processing In The Cloud
Following on from my last article about alternative development models for audio mixing consoles, I got to thinking about other areas of the audio industry that might also see different business models emerge as a result of future developments in the Audio over IP sphere and related industries.
Mixing Desks and Answering Machines
Whilst at BVExpo I attended a great presentation by Roland Hemming of RH Consulting where he spoke about the product development life-cycle in the AV industry and why he believes that it might, in fact, be flawed.
The Security ‘Wild West’ of AV/IT
There has been a lot of talk lately about the security of AV/IT systems as if they are the new ‘Wild West’ of the IT estate. A few articles point the finger at AV systems and warn that how left unchecked, they might expose an entire network to some kind of attack or loss.
History Repeating? The Network Audio Shootout
For a while now I’ve been watching the audio (and video) industry’s march towards IP with a slight sense of déjà vu. It is very reminiscent to me of the early ’90s period when computer networking was starting to flourish across many enterprises and the battle for which technology would dominate was starting to heat up.
The Working For Free Myth
Working for free can often be seen as a good way to raise your profile and get some publicity, especially If you’re just starting out with a new venture. Before you jump and grab that ‘opportunity’ for exposure, here are a few things to consider.
Welcome To The Armshouse Group Blog
My name is Hyder Khalil and I’ll be authoring this blog on behalf of Armshouse Group. I hope that from this point on I’ll be able to populate this blog with lots of articles and features which will go some way in helping you achieve the results you’re after in relation to your project or venture.