The Getting Online Series

Getting OnlineAt the start of this blog, some months ago, we began with a series of articles titled ‘Getting Online’.  They were written with people in mind whom wanted to get to grips with some of the basics about registering website names and setting up a website.

They have proven to be a popular resource for people, so we thought we’d compile them all here so you can find and share them easily. If you need any further help or advice regarding your web related projects and getting online, feel free to contact us or schedule a consultation.

Part 1: Registering A Web Address

Part one of the series takes a look at how you can register the web address or ‘domain name’ for your website.

Part 2: Web Hosting

Part two explores the issue of web hosting and how to choose a reliable web host to serve your website as well as considerations relating to the site design process.

Part 3: Email

In part three of the series we examine how you can achieve a more professional image by the use of an email address in the name of your own domain.  We look at various options and providers for business class email.